If you don’t already know me, Hello! My name is Amy and I pretty much love everything there is to love about food. I love thinking about food and reading cookbooks and food blogs. I love watching cooking and baking shows. I love planning menus and grocery shopping and of course I LOVE Farmer’s Markets. I love cooking and baking and I even love setting the table! But what I really love most of all is gathering friends and family around the table to share a meal and conversation. To me, that’s the most important part of the entire day. The planning, cooking, baking is all just a means to a much more important end, bringing loved ones together.
And so, I set out to create this blog primarily for my grown kids Andrew, Kate, Elizabeth, Emma and Andy and also my brand-new grandchild Henry! (And if you aren’t one of my kids but have stumbled upon this space-Hurray! I’m honored to have you along for the journey.) I realized most people aren’t like me with a passion for thinking about food all the time and enjoying the planning, much less the execution and clean up! (Yes, ha-ha, what you may see as common sense was a revelation to me!) My hope therefore, is to encourage, equip and inspire you to at least once each day create a meal where you and your loved ones sit down to the table and eat together. To that end, I’m planning lots of easy meals that can be ready in under an hour using fresh foods, tips and tricks for food prep, loads of ideas for gluten free meals since we have both celiac and gluten intolerance in our family, meals for special occasions….and of course there will be dessert! Shouldn’t there always be dessert???
Thanks so much for being here! I hope you find a little inspiration in this place to gather loved ones around your table, eat together and enjoy one another!
Happy Cooking!
Mom (Amy)